New visitors in the garden this month are the Jay, a brief visit from a Garden Warbler and unfortunately a family of Magpies - that'll teach us to go away for a few days. We are busy doing our best to deter them.
Something that has not yet appeared on my records but should be there, are bats which fly around the front of the house in the evening. When (if) I manage to find out what type they are, I'll include them. We also have bank voles living in the front garden, but as I haven't actually seen them, it is a bit unfair to put them down. Much like the Red Squirrels which allegedly visit the front, but not when we are looking!
Other notable sights this month were a Peregrine Falcon flying overhead as we walked down the road in the village - only a hundred yards or so from home and a fly over one evening by a lone Goosander. Now that one needed looking up!
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