Yesterday morning I had a trip across the Uldale Fells to visit a friend near Cockermouth. After a very pleasant coffee and chat (and bringing home a monster carpet cleaner), I had the afternoon free to finish off some marmalade that I had started the afternoon before. This is my own 'Secret' recipe, never tried before, so I will await judgement eagerly! In the midst of all those oranges and lemons, there was time to make another batch of Mum's recipe 'Fruit Squash' which now gets made here frequently.
All that home made produce and today it's time to filter the first batch of elderflower cordial. At this stage it looks like something the horse passed. Let's hope it doesn't taste like it too!

Having freed up the bucket, another load of elderflowers have been picked and are now busy steeping into their liquid in the garage.
All that and time to clean half the sitting room carpet too (Thanks Bilbo. 'Red Betty' is brilliant!).
Don't thank me, thank James. We wouldn't have Betty if it wasn't for him.