A good opportunity to get on with the (ex)rocket launcher.
This time the rubble turned out to be less than expected, so after walking up to check on Tom - our neighbours horse who we are looking after for a few days - I set to and had it all dug out by lunch time. Return loading FYM to dig into it later (all that time spent dealing with haulage wasn't wasted).
After lunch I set to, digging the most appropriately named 'Bastard Trenches'.
This area was once part of a medieval village, since then it will have been permanent pasture for pretty much all it's life up until about 10 years ago when it became part of this garden as a lawn until it was paved. In other words, this has not been dug over in the history of post medieval man.
Clay, and at best Clay Loam, which is incredibly compacted and as a result completely anaerobic. Considering we have had only around 50% of this areas normal rainfall this year, it is incredibly wet. The addition of the organic matter will no doubt help to improve the soil structure, but all told, this afternoon was a good testament to the name of the method in use - and it's not finished yet!
The good news? Germany 4 England 1.
In the words of a song:
Coming home, we're coming home. Football(er)s coming home....
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