You may have noticed that there is not much sheltering our back garden. Great for watching stock and wildlife. Not so good for growing tender plants. In the hope that broad beans will stand up the the infamous village 'West Wind', we thought it best to give them some support sooner rather than later. So job number one today was to do just that.

One of our neighbours has, over the last few nights, had her entire crop of potatoes attacked by pests unknown. There are many theories floating around as to what has done it, but we are both strongly of the opinion that it is Pheasant damage, and we do both have a fair bit of experience in identifying pest damage in crops!
One of our neighbours has, over the last few nights, had her entire crop of potatoes attacked by pests unknown. There are many theories floating around as to what has done it, but we are both strongly of the opinion that it is Pheasant damage, and we do both have a fair bit of experience in identifying pest damage in crops!
The poor lady had been so organised, she had earlies, second earlies and maincrop. Every plant has been taken off at soil level. Whether it was a pheasant or not, every attempt to protect the tates failed miserably. We thought we'd best do something to at least try to deter it from having a go at ours as well. 
It's amazing what you can do with an endless supply of stripped willow!
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