On a more cheerful note. We fancied a walk, but fancied avoiding the half term tourists. The West coast is not famed for it's resorts, but if you fancy a stroll on wide open sands, with the beach to yourselves, then this is the place to go.
When we started walking it was breezy but very sunny. In fact the beach seemed to be steaming where there were small channels of shallow water meandering across the sands. It was quite eerie. We walked for about two and a half hours, during this time, the 'steam' gradually turned into mist. Apparently it was a sea mist, when the water is colder than the air, which increased as the tide came in. This was just the sort of place and conditions when you could get caught out by the tide creeping around behind you. Luckily we were being careful!
Plenty of birds on the beach. Countless Ringed Plover. Many with young, which were so difficult to make out amidst the stones. A few Oyster Catchers, also apparently nesting on the edge of the beach, and this pair of Shell Ducks, waddling out to sea. Did I mention it was misty?
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