Husband spent the day digging on Friday

By the end of the day, it was beginning to look as though we may have found the first signs of the old village well.

Then I spent the day digging today - mainly with a trowel as by this time the hole was pretty deep and confined; and the work was pretty delicate. Eventually, with a hole that was about 4ft deep and similar in other directions, it turned out to be a medieval drain! We already knew that the house was built on the site of the medieval village, but it was pretty amazing to think how long this had remained in place.

Somehow a stone drain 4 ft in the ground, complete with part of an old bedstead, won't make quite the same feature the well would have done, so two days digging and about half an hour to fill the hole in again!
We'll leave the well for another day.
That looks horribly like the daft sort of thing we would do ..... and belatedly, Happy Birthday to Husband!