After a huge amount of digging, chopping, swearing and cursing, two big stumps were finally cleared, leaving two nice holes in the ground. We are pretty sure that the well, which we know was in the front garden and was filled in when the house was built, is in this area. Enough digging for one day, but the excavations will continue....
We still have a lot to do, but it is beginning to feel as though it is our garden now. We are also really chuffed that we have done everything so far by recycling materials that were already in the garden; most of which are naturally occurring stone, plants and soil. Turf has been moved from A to B (and keeps moving. We have not thrown money at anything - except a few plants, and we feel that it is now turning into a garden that fits into the natural surroundings far more than it did when we moved in.
It's all looking excellent, sadly those stumps look horribly familiar ...