For a relatively small plot, we seem to have rather a large number of tree stumps. Our predecessor didn't seem to like trees, but believed in cutting things down, not digging them out. That's OK, but if you want to mow the lawn, or plant something else, it kind of gets on your nerves when there are always stumps in the way.
You may remember Compost Corner Well that was only one of seven stumps in that end of the garden.
After a busy day of digging, troweling, scrabbling with hands, sawing, lopping, swearing, pushing and pulling; Here are the other six...........

And here is where they came from. Mowing the nettles and buttercups will be so much easier now!

And if all that activity wasn't enough, Husband also found time to give the shed a coat of paint. Those who have visited may remember the 'Suffolk Pink' patch on the wall. Not really Husbands taste, and having removed some very twee trellis and an even more twee fountain (that wasn't plumbed in), it was all looking a bit grubby. Grubby isn't allowed in our garden!
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