Saturday, 17 April 2010

Pink Daffodils

A good day in the garden today. The veggie plot is finally ready for sowing. Husband take the lead - he's good with vegetables!

Starting with Beetroot - it's one of his favourites, so a good place to start. Hattie enjoys the sunshine and has a roll around on the lawn as Husband contemplates the first row.

A little later..........
Depending on the success of our efforts we should have: Lettuce, rocket, beetroot, parsnips, carrots, broad beans and spinach. Space has been left for leeks. Runner beans are sown and in the cold frame (bean trench finished complete with two year old Race Horse Pooh), tomatoes, peppers and courgettes are also in the cold frame.

In between veggie gardening, other bits have been weeded too (our predecessors seemed to think cutting things off at soil level constituted weeding!). A few fresh daffs were also picked to brighten up the table as we have friends coming to lunch tomorrow. We have one bunch of daffs in the back garden which are different from the rest. A creamy white flower with a salmon pink trumpet. It makes a nice change from the mass of traditional yellow daffs that are all over the rest of the garden.

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