Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Coomb Height and Lingy Hut with Ed and Gerda

Ed and Gerda are here again for their annual holiday. they love to have a walk with us, but obviously coming from Holland, they find the hills a challenge. We like to take them up something, but nothing too demanding and not too far away as they have three other dogs who are too old/infirm to come on the fells, so we are limited to a few hours.
This is really familiar territory to us, but new to them. We start at Grainsgill Bridge and head along the Cumbria way..........

There is a lot of talking to catch up on!

It's really humid and the midges are awful as we climb up Cocklakes on our way up Coomb Height. I think Breeze just did a fly through her Dad's legs!

Another pause for a drink and to catch our breath. It really is humid.


Donna and Breeze have a great time playing

From the top of Coomb heights - where the midges disappear and the humidity drops - we head across to Lingy Hut. This will be our lunch spot.

Don't give Gerda your camera, she takes photo's without you realising!

Molly joins a family portrait

And then she joins Ed for another

Gerda still has the camera!

Donna Summer. Such a lovely girl. Bred here and taken to Holland as a pup by Ed and Gerda. They trial her here and there, and she speaks two languages (I'm not joking, she understands commands in English and Dutch)

Heading down

Breeze knows this territory so well

Gerda with Donna, Jay with Molls and the boys bringing up the rear. Breeze will be running around like a wild thing as usual

We have a look at the mine workings on our way down

And finally head back to the cars.
5 miles in very tiring conditions. The humidity eased once we got the the top, as did the midges. I stopped counting when I got to thirty bites, and that was just my legs! But none the less a really enjoyable walk. Great to be able to show Ed and Gerda a bit more of our lovely county.

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