Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Under Threat??

I know I'm repeating myself, but THEY would have you believe that House Sparrow numbers are declining. Not here they're not. We have had 7 new House Martin's nests built on the house this year. Each and every one of them was taken over by House Sparrows who attack the Martins until they leave. Just to give you a flavour of the numbers we get, this would be less than half of them at any one time.
Under Threat?

On a more cute note, we finally got round to cleaning out the Blue Tit box today. Blimey have they been busy. Bearing in mind everything in there had to be carried in by their little beaks, and this box was empty at the start of spring, they didn't half make some journeys.
Measuring 5.5 inches by 4.5 inches, the nesting material was 3 inches deep.
Beautifully woven into a circular nest at the bottom, and then layer upon layer above that. Mostly made out of Hattie hair!

1 comment:

  1. That looks almost felted. Hope it was a comfy mattress ☺


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