and this is what it looks like tonight.
I would love to be able to say that we are now getting straight upstairs, but as the sparkies haven't managed to get here to finish off the extractor fan and some switching in the airing cupboard, we haven't been able to give the bathroom it's final clean down prior to putting everything back in there, and the airing cupboard is still empty. It sounds ridiculous, but every room in the house is currently a bit upside down, either because stuff is in there that shouldn't be, but it's got nowhere else to go at present; or, there are dustsheets about because the sparkies need to be getting in/out of the loft to do the extractor.
Never mind, it will all be worth it in the long run. I don't like housework anyway, and this is a really good excuse for not doing any :-)
Know what you mean about the house being upside down. When I moved stuff out of the kitchen cupboards I managed to trash the sewing room, dining hall and spare room and it took DAYS to straighten out!