The proliferation of naturally available food seemed to take it's toll this month, with absence from one or two favourite regulars. No Nuthatch (who as I type this on 4th Aug, has now returned), our Red Poll have all disappeared, as have my beloved little Tree Sparrows towards the latter half of the month. Hopefully, they will all be back soon.

We have had a few successes too though. An amazing aray of fledglings, who are still being fed by their parents all around the garden. We saw the male Bullfinch 7 out of 8 days in a row. That is certainly a record here so far. And we have had a couple of visits from a new visitor.

This delicate little Willow Warbler has turned up a couple of times. The second time, he brought his wife with him too.
I have also now included other visitors to the garden. The Bank voles who have always been here, we can see their nest holes, but never see them. The bats who currently swoop each evening infront of the house - we now believe they are Long eared Bats - but we are waiting confirmation when our friends with the Bat Detector come to visit (You know who you are BD!). We also have a wasps nest, and a bumble bees nest.
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