Wednesday, 22 August 2018

A Short Walk to Crummock

If you've known us a while you'll recognise this view - it was on my PC at work for a start, something to dream about when the stress levels were rising.

So this is the view from Foulsyke and Crummock Water Cottages. The venue for many happy holidays and the home of our friend Joan

We're having a walk with Joan and her dog Max before supper. A miserable day has finally given way to a bit more brightness and the rain has moved away - so time for a little wander down to the Kirkstile

and then up the lonning towards Melbreak

We will walk through the trees on the right of this picture and then along the top edge of them towards the left

Breeze is coming back to see where we are, as usual she has been there and back in a circular motion about 8 times alreay

dropping down towards the lake

Max has beaten us all down there and is patiently waiting for his ball

Which Joan has brought with her - Breeze is just happy to swim

Nothing like a bit of competition

But Breeze prefers sticks in the water

One last dip
 Joan has a bench outside her property which is a stopping off point for many passing walkers, cyclists and drivers, to admire the view. She felt it was a perfect position for one of the 'There But Not There' silhouettes.

Can you see him?
A lovely short walk in very familiar territory followed by a delicious supper, thanks so much Joan.

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