Having been down to visit Mum and Dad for a few (very hot) days, we 'flew' back on Friday as I had been asked to Groom for a friends son at Penrith show. Flying back was a bit of an understatement. We crawled up the M1, then the M18, then the A1, and when we came to another standstill on the A66, diverted via Barnard Castle as we were sick of being in stationary traffic with every Tom, Dick and Harry who had decided that it was officially the first day of the school holidays!!
Anyway, the crap journey was worth it
After pre judging in the driving field, we then drove through Lowther park on the 'Leisure Drive' part of the competition. Then it was into the main ring for the final judging. It was about 30' and I was sweltering in shirt and tie and long trousers. Sam must have been so uncomfortable. |
Larky behaved so well, and Sam did a great job keeping up the family tradition. |
The lap of honour for 'Team Fawcett' as we leave the ring................... |
..................to go and Celebrate.
Sam won his class and won the Overall Driving Championship. At 14 he was the youngest in the driving classes by about two generations. Well done Sam |
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