Just the three of us today. Jay was coming with us, but a leaky cylinder meant she had to stay behind. Unfortunately she missed another cracking walk. Oh dear, we'll have to do it again sometime now!!
We parked at Mardale head and headed up towards Nan Bield Pass |
On the way passing the lovely Small Water |
Chance for a spot of goofing around in the water |
Looking back from Nan Bield Pass to Small water and Haweswater beyond. You can see that Hawewater is getting very low with the dry spell we have been enjoying for these past few weeks |
Two Rough Fell ewes standing on Small Water Crags get a glance from Breeze as she rushes past. No time to stop and say hello. |
The shelter on Nan Bield Pass. The short stop gives Breeze chance to get rid of the water she accumulated in her ears earlier - all over her Dad! |
More glorious walking weather, with Hazy distant views. Scafell and Scafell Pike right at the back (the v in between). From here we climbed up onto Harter Fell, then carried on across Little Harter Fell, Adam Seat and dropped down to cross Gatesgarth pass before the long green slope that leads to Branstree |
Branstree Summit. From here we walked across Artle crag |
and on to the Observation Pillar. This was used to line up the aquaduct from Haweswater to Manchester. |
Beyond the pillar there are two lovely little tarns - well there would be except the one on the left has dried up. Never mind, the remaining one provides another opportunity for a spot of wild swimming. The reflections show how still it was, even at over 2100ft. |
From the Tarns a short walk took us to the top of High Howes, then across Captain Welter Bog and up onto Selside. The tumbledown shelter providing the chance of a rare selfie |
Then down the steep path to the Hollow Stone (bottom centre of picture) |
to join the road at Rowantreethwaite Beck |
Across the road and down to this lovely little bridge crossing back over Rowantreethwaite Beck |
You'd think she'd have slowed down by now wouldn't you! |
Then we followed the shore path some of the way and walked on the lake bottom at other times. The water level is so low you don't need a path to get round the lake at the moment. One more chance to have a swim - the energy Breeze has never fails to amaze. Given a bit of encouragement I think she would have soon made it to the island. |
"Come on Dad, It's lovely in here" |
About 8.5 miles, loads of swimming (not by the humans though!) perfect weather AGAIN.
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