Thursday, 29 August 2013

Souther Fell

It's best foot forward and we start out with four healthy feet (ten if you caount the humans). We choose Souther Fell today as the forecast is for a bit of lowish cloud and we know that the terrain is lunatic spaniel feet friendly. We are hoping to finish today without any foot injuries for a change. The first section of the old minors trod up The Tongue, is the only stoney part of the whole walk, so fingers crossed.

We are planning to walk up the side of The Tongue and then across the top of Bannerdale Crags, seen here in the middle, before dropping down a bit to then climb back up over Souther Fell, the start of which is just visible on the far left of this picture

Like all well made plans, that is what we did, only there now follows a short break in the photgraphic record due to the weather not following the plan! As we neared the top of Bannerdale Crags, the cloud and rain came down and it was full waterproofs and no visibility for quite a while. We then walked down along White Horse Bent, without much rain, but still plenty of could as you can see below

Up onto Souther and it was beginning to clear, enough to pick out houses of friends down below us, near Troutbeck

The all off a sudden the clouds cleared and it was time to put away the waterproofs and take a look back to see how Bannerdale Crags are supposed to look

Another enjoyable walk, in spite of the weather. Another first for Jay, and four healthy intact feet at the end too.

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