Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Running in The Family

Another day dawns, and Breeze continues to impress us with her speed of learning. Crate training is going really well - so long as we let her get to sleep either on our knee, or with us cuddling her through the open door of the crate. She will stay in fairly happily when she wakes up, but is not keen on being put in there wide awake.
Cousin Gwen - Welsh Terror (sorry that should read Terrier) had a warm wheat bag which apparently she liked to snuggle up to, so we thought we'd give it a try. Wrapped in a worn sock of mine (at last someone likes the smell of my feet), she seems to have taken to the idea!
She went in just as we sat down to lunch, the door has been left open, and she hasn't come out for an hour and a half - and she hasn't been asleep much either! To give you an idea of just how small she is, the brown thing at the front is a pig's ear.
Blue eyes turning brown

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