Sunday, 4 September 2011

They're Not Blueys, They're Mine!

We love Blue Tits. I think they must be one of the most recognised birds in the UK. I can remember them feeding from the coconuts Mum hung outside the sitting room window at home, We do the same here outside the sun room and are always really pleased to see them hanging upside down on the shells. In an effort to provide them with more varied feeding opportunities, we hang monkey nuts around the branch of the tree for them (and the Great Tits and Coal Tits) to peck at.

There was a loud drumming coming from the tree. It sounded like one of the many Woodpeckers we get

But no, it was a Nut Hatch, very determined to get hold of Blueys nuts.

Pecking with all his might to prise the little brown jewels from their shell

It looks as though someone else has suddenly found them too......
Looks like the Blueys are going to have to stick to the feeders in future

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