Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Facelift or Holiday?

After a weekend down in the Midlands, celebrating Mum and Dad's Proper 50th Wedding anniversary (as opposed to the 'official' one that happened in June), we were back into the deep end this morning.
People often ask us if we are going on holiday. Our sickening response is always 'every day's a holiday to us'. However, not having been on holiday for the last two years is justification for spending money on a facelift instead.
The front of our house is not it's best feature. 'Public Convenience bricks' is how husband affectionately describes it. However, the back and one side are already pebble dashed, so we have thought for a long time that this would be a great idea on the front and remaining side.

With an evenings notice, to get everything out of the way (that'll teach us to disappear for a long weekend!), Dougi and pals arrived at 8am, on what has to be one of the best September days in recent history.

25'c this afternoon - hence Dougi's son being bare chested.

By 6pm, all the first coat of plaster is on and everything that matters (like windows) is covered in plastic, ready for the slurry chucking session tomorrow.

Lets hope the forecast for the next few days is right.

1 comment:

  1. What a transformation. And at your usual speed {grin}. I suppose it will be finished and painted by the weekend ....


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