Saturday, 15 January 2011

Water Pillow

A lot of rain in a short space of time has had an interesting effect in the ground behind our house. At first we thought there was a mound in the field that was standing out because water had collected around it.

Then we realised that it was a new mound

When we went into the field to investigate, we discovered that water was percolating through the ground and had lifted the turf to create a bubble effect. The best of it is, if you jump up and down on it, water squirts out of the side and it wobbles about like a bouncy castle!

And it gets better...... It apparently appeared last year, just before we moved in, so we'll get to play again another year!

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, rising groundwater? Given what happens in our garage during heavy rainfall, I'm not sure I would be as excited by the "pillow" as you are!


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