Sunday, 23 January 2011

Especially for Emma

Today has been a day of visitors. A friend was coming over for lunch and not long after her arrival, we had the first of many visits through the afternoon by a male Bullfinch.
Even better than that though....

Seeing red squirrels in the village is nothing new, but as they live on the other side of the road, none of the residents this side (not that there are many of us) feed them. The aim being that we are not encouraging them across the road. We had two road kills this summer and it is heartbreaking, so we don't want any more. Seeing one in our garden is pretty rare as a result.

This wee chap(ess) is probably from a late second litter. He/she is rather small and is probably struggling to survive the winter. He/she spent at least a couple of hours sitting here. Not normal squirrel behavior, but sadly not an uncommon situation. Many second litter kittens don't make it through the first winter.

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