As forecast it was a nice morning, but after a late and boozy dinner party last night with friends in the village, a gentle saunter was the order of the day. We thought it would be a good opportunity to visit our neighbours woods just outside the village, which are
supposed to be full of Bluebells.
As we walk down the road from the village, the woods we are aiming for are just a field away, on the left of the road here.

As we get into the woods, the bluebells appear. In this younger area of the wood, they really were at their best.

At the far end of the woods we emerged onto the crags, which can be seen clearly from the road. The view stretches south over the fells

Back into the woods and some areas are
abundant with Ferns, just coming into full leaf.

There is plenty of wildlife in this wood. A pair of buzzards flew into their nest above our heads, we came across two different woodpecker nests, both with young chirping away inside the tree. On one occasion, both Mum and Dad were in very close
proximity. We saw a hare loping off ahead of us, and, rarely caught on camera (by me anyway) a Roe Deer peeped at us from around a tree before dashing off. You'll need to double click to see her.
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