We seem to suddenly be coming across quite a few fledglings in the garden. Today we have had a young Blackbird being fed by Dad on the bird table, young Sparrows being fed on the seed feeders and a young Dunnock on the floor. Earlier we took the dog for a walk in the woods, passing the woodpecker tree that we found a couple of weeks ago
http://cumbrianretreat.blogspot.com/2010/05/more-exploring.html we could hear the youngsters calling to their parents from within. We stood quietly, close by for just a couple of minutes and two Great Spotted Woodpeckers appeared. However they were well aware of our presence, and were clearly not going to go near the nest while we were there, so we moved swiftly on. So no pictures I am afraid.
We made another discovery on our walk. We could here an awful lot of squwalking coming from the tree tops. We wondered if it was rooks, but it just didn't sound quite right. Following the noise, we came across what we believe to be a Buzzards nest

I apologise for the camera shake on this next photo, but double click and look at the centre of the nest..........

The gape of two youngsters waiting to be fed.
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