Monday, 31 May 2010

Wildlife in May

I'm trying a different format for recording what we have seen in and around the garden. This is mainly down to lazyness, as the list grows, I really don't want to type it out every month. Also, keeping it on a spreadsheet makes it easier to compare month with month. I guess you'll have to double click to read it.

More Exploring and a picture for Simon.

As forecast it was a nice morning, but after a late and boozy dinner party last night with friends in the village, a gentle saunter was the order of the day. We thought it would be a good opportunity to visit our neighbours woods just outside the village, which are supposed to be full of Bluebells.
As we walk down the road from the village, the woods we are aiming for are just a field away, on the left of the road here.

As we get into the woods, the bluebells appear. In this younger area of the wood, they really were at their best.
At the far end of the woods we emerged onto the crags, which can be seen clearly from the road. The view stretches south over the fells
Back into the woods and some areas are abundant with Ferns, just coming into full leaf.

There is plenty of wildlife in this wood. A pair of buzzards flew into their nest above our heads, we came across two different woodpecker nests, both with young chirping away inside the tree. On one occasion, both Mum and Dad were in very close proximity. We saw a hare loping off ahead of us, and, rarely caught on camera (by me anyway) a Roe Deer peeped at us from around a tree before dashing off. You'll need to double click to see her.

Friday, 28 May 2010

Last Few Days

Following on from our baby sitting exploits last weekend, we have somehow managed to acquire an additional pet.
Ollie had got used to being fed through the fence, so, as he is soon to be weaned, we thought we might as well carry on till then. The only snag is, every time we walk into the garden, a loud bleating, followed by the thundering of little feet, and Ollie is trying to push his way through the fence.

Only a few more days of milk to go...........

He's quite partial to his creep, but I think we may have a disturbed night or two next week!

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Baby Birds

We seem to suddenly be coming across quite a few fledglings in the garden. Today we have had a young Blackbird being fed by Dad on the bird table, young Sparrows being fed on the seed feeders and a young Dunnock on the floor. Earlier we took the dog for a walk in the woods, passing the woodpecker tree that we found a couple of weeks ago we could hear the youngsters calling to their parents from within. We stood quietly, close by for just a couple of minutes and two Great Spotted Woodpeckers appeared. However they were well aware of our presence, and were clearly not going to go near the nest while we were there, so we moved swiftly on. So no pictures I am afraid.

We made another discovery on our walk. We could here an awful lot of squwalking coming from the tree tops. We wondered if it was rooks, but it just didn't sound quite right. Following the noise, we came across what we believe to be a Buzzards nest

I apologise for the camera shake on this next photo, but double click and look at the centre of the nest..........
The gape of two youngsters waiting to be fed.

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Bluebells and Runner Beans and A Happy 6th Mensiversary!

Today it is Six Months since we became Cumbrian Residents. We really can't believe where the time has gone, but in many ways it also feels as though we have been here for ages. It certainly feels like that in the village with the way we have been accepted into the community and social lives of our neighbours.
In previous years we would have been heading up this way in a fortnights time, for our summer stay at Foulsyke By then the Bluebells in Rannerdale Valley are normally over. But we're not on holiday now, we live here (As I keep reminding myself with a big grin), so we can go and visit Rannerdale whenever we like.

We chose to do a walk we have done before on a number of occasions, but in the opposite direction to normal - which meant we went away from all the 'half a mile from the car' brigade. The majority of the Bluebells were saved until the latter part of the walk.
Husband walks through the Bluebells with Melbreak standing proud the otherside of Crummock water.
Looking back up the path you can see the valley is a carpet of blue.

On both sides of the valley.
Getting home in good time gave us chance to get on with one or two jobs in the garden. The runner beans were beginning to outgrow the coldframe, so they have been planted out tonight. Fingers crossed that we don't get any more frosts.

Sunday, 23 May 2010

Dates of Note

I have been meaning to start this for a while, but keep getting side tracked.
As this blog has developed into a record of birds and wildlife seen in and around the garden, I thought it would also be a good place to record when things happen that we use as indicators of the season.

On this occasion this will be another list, although my intention is to just record things as they happen in future, but I have a little catching up to do.

First Snow - 20th Dec 2009
Frogspawn found on fells - 16th March 2010
First Daff out in garden 6th April 2010
First Swallow - 12th April 2010
Lunch Outside - 14th April 2010
Plant up Veggie plot - 17th April 2010
House Martins arrive - 19th April 2010
First Swifts - 23rd April 2010
Heard Cuckoo - 22nd April 2010
Snow Fall (Fells) - 10th May 2010
First BBQ - 20th May 2010

The Last Summer Visitors and Other Things!

Another roasting day today 28 degrees registered on the Eastern side of the house - that was before mid morning. Meanwhile, we were busy weeding the Veggie plot. On the whole we are pleased with the way things have come. A wire worm problem has taken a few things out in one corner, but that's hardly surprising as it was grass there until just before we planted it up. Everything in the cold frame is growing like crazy, waiting to go out in about a weeks time when the chance of frost is minimal.

I believe (But may be wrong - so feel free to correct me), that the Swift is the last of our summer visiting birds to arrive. Well I can report that they have reached North Eastern Cumbria. Fitting then that BBQ season is well underway with our own BBQ being lit for the second time tonight, and that makes it our third one of the season.
Would you be surprised if, after reading all that little lot, I told you there is still snow on Cross Fell? That's 2091 ft and just seen here to the right of the trees.

The view of the Pennines from the house is a bit obscured now that the trees are in full leaf!

Saturday, 22 May 2010

Baby Blackbirds

Drama in the house today.

A fledgling Blackbird flew in the back door and straight into the window at the far end of the room. Falling to the ground immediately behind Buddy's bed. Luckily I was right there at the time, and Buddy is very well behaved.

The Blackbird was fine, and with help from Husband while I held onto Buddy (Hattie slept through it all as usual!), it was escorted back outside where it flew off.

Buddy's owners have a nesting blackbird in their wall, just opposite us. She has been sitting for a while, but now they have finally hatched. This is what four Baby Blackies look like. Not sure exactly when they hatched, but it must have been in the last couple of days.

Baby Sitting

It seems that I have a talent for looking after other peoples pets.
Farming friends in the village are away for a long weekend, and I have offered to look after their two labs, Treacle and Muffin. They are really biddable, and stay up at the farm, so they are no trouble. Last time I looked after them, I was also feeding a pet lamb. This time, the lamb has come to stay with us - well nearly. He is nearly weaned - just two bottles a day and some creep feed. So it seemed easier to have him in the field with his mates, where I can feed him through the fence.
Along with that little menagerie, we also have a house guest for the weekend. Buddy. Another lab, who normally lives opposite, but his owners are in Ireland for the weekend.
Buddy has been spending quite a bit of time in the garden, enjoying the glorious weather. Ollie the Orphan has been spending quite a bit of time at the fence, looking for the next bottle. Ollie seems to think Buddy might be his Mum.

Ollie has a nibble on his creep, while Buddy looks on

Ollie and his pals (O for Ollie)

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

A Very Sad Discovery.

Husband has just come back from walking the dog in the village, having found a very healthy looking, but dead, red squirrel just down the road. Roadkill it would seem.

The poor little mite has been retrieved and is awaiting collection by Bernard, our local area coordinator for Penrith & District Red Squirrel Group. They test them to try to keep a check on the levels of squirrel pox in the local populations. Something that is affecting the Eden Valley area particularly badly this year.

On a brighter note, we have new house guests. The House Martins have returned.
Last years nests came down in the really cold snowy weather in January, so they are having to do a spot of DIY.

And just to show that there are still some red visitors that Boy Racers haven't destroyed, one of our frequent visitors seems to be getting brighter and brighter. Male Lesser Red Poll, seen here on the right.

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Carrock Fell on a Lovely Day

When we opened the curtains this morning - yes that's the new curtains! - there was not a cloud in the sky. Time to test the Achilles again. A little longer, maybe a bit steeper. Carrock Fell (closest to home too) it is then.

Parking at Calebreck, we head off towards Carrock Fell, seen ahead of Husband here.
A few clouds bubbled up as the day progressed, but never enough to spoil a lovely day. The High Fell on the horizon here is Skiddaw. And again, below zooming in on Skiddaw. Little Man to the left of the picture.
After a pint at a one of our locals, it was home to find an invitation to a neighbours for the first BBQ of the season. How's that for a good day!

Monday, 17 May 2010

Great Mell Fell

With Husband's achilles finally feeling more like normal, it was time to head for the hills and see how it stood up to a bit more of an incline.
Great Mell Fell belies it's name. It's really only quite Small at about 1750ft. But, when you have hardly walked further than the garden gate for eight weeks, then a little local fell seems appropriate.

Despite it's small stature, Great Mell Fell gets it's fair share of the wind by the look of the trees.

Not today though, it was glorious sunshine all the way.

Views in all directions. This is Helvellyn with patches of snow on.
Further round the views are just as impressive

Nearly back at the car we pass by Brownrigg farm, with it's curious windows. Seven windows, each one on a different level?

Saturday, 15 May 2010

Hen Party

Word Seems to be getting out. We Now have two Cock Pheasants visiting regularly, and three Hens - who seem to like a girls night out.

Friday, 14 May 2010

Game Birds

As usual the garden has been a hive of activity today. All the usual visitors have been around. I am so thrilled at our visits from Tree Sparrows. We have at least three of them visiting us regularly at the moment. On and off, all day, each day. So no apologies for this shot, it's pure self indulgence.

We realised today, that we have two different Cock Pheasants visiting. We only see them one at a time, and the second one may well be a fairly new visitor. But we had a mass visitation tonight from our four resident game birds. Mr and Mrs P (the regular pheasants) and the Partridge Family. All four in the garden together, for quite a considerable amount of time. Try as I might, I COULD NOT get a picture with all four of them in it. So instead here is a flavour of their visit.

A handsome Frenchman
An Equally Handsome Mr P, with The Frenchman's wife behind him.

And Mr and Mrs P checking out the bamboo.

Apologies for the quality of the pics, as usual they are through glass, and the evening sun was reflecting in it!

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

More Exploring

The local forest has been well walked since moving here. But until now, we have stuck to the 'proper' tracks. Now the weather is bright and cheerful (although it's still cold), and the trees are coming into leaf - although both the Oak and the Ash are still doing virtually nothing here - we have started to get curious about some of the less trodden paths.
This leads to all kinds of surprises. Views suddenly appear through the tree tops as you rise to higher ground

Evidence of wildlife is abundant. As we stood admiring these nest holes, a Great Spotted Woodpecker flew out of the bottom one.
An interesting fact on tree holes. Did you know they are home to seven different species of bird?

Woodpecker, Nuthatch, Great Tit, Wryneck, Starling, Stock Dove and Little Owl.

Another interesting find - unless of course you are squeamish! The skull (or at least part) of a fox. We think this one must have died of starvation as he doesn't seem to have any front teeth!

After all that excitement, it's back home to an afternoon catching up with the list of jobs, which never seem to get finished here.

Monday, 10 May 2010

Ne'er Shed a Clout

The Blackthorn may be flowereing - just, but winter is not yet through. The forecast was for showers, and true enough, we had 4mm overnight. That's 4mm of rain at 900ft, but by the look of Barton Fell , it fell as snow a little higher.

Blencathra always looks magnificent, but even more so with a dusting of snow.

The pennines too were clothed in white. But then Cross Fell has had snow on it constantly since before Christmas. So nothing new there!

Sunday, 9 May 2010


Since mid March, Husband has been suffering from an achilles tendon injury, which has stopped him from walking anywhere. However, it would appear that it is (fingers crossed) finally improving. A gentle walk somewhere to test it out was on the cards for today, so we thought we would take the opportunity to explore The Estate.
Starting down at the village, we head up the Castle drive

The track we wanted then skirts to the right of the castle, past the stables and farm

Up over the Gallops, through some lovely old parkland and over the hill.

Now that looks like a nice place to live!
Wild flowers were abundant, with blue bells just beginning to appear in the most sheltered spot. This is somewhere in need of a repeat visit in a week or two!

Friday, 7 May 2010

A Momentous Day

Today was the day when 'We' voted for a Hung Parliament. So it seems fitting that today was also the day that the first pair of bedroom curtains were hung too.

The fabric has been here waiting since the the end of January, but finally I have had a run of a few clear days, when I can take over the kitchen table, sitting room floor and spare bedroom, in order to make them without having to clear everything away in between!

On the wildlife front, Husband spotted a Roe Deer in the fields behind the house yesterday and the birds just keep getting better and better. Our Red Poll has now turned into two females and one male, who are currently visiting regularly, and today we have had a series of visits from a little bird previously mentioned - but only just confirmed.....

A Tree Sparrow! In fact at one point today we had two.
Now it really feels like we are achieving something in the garden.

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Especially for Sally....

This is one visitor who need no introduction. This time he stayed long enough for me to take lots of pictures. He even came back the next morning too.

Just in case you're not sure, I'm not talking about the rook!