Plan A was to store all the boxes labelled 'LOFT' up there soon after moving in. This was not to be. The Hatch is in a space the width of a door, and when you get up into the loft, you can't move in any direction for water tanks and chimneys; let alone put boxes up there. Instead they went under beds and in the garage, so the garage stuff went in the outhouse, and the outhouse stuff got buried, so we can't get at anything even if we do know where it is.
We will NOT be beaten. We'll have a hole somewhere else instead. (Husband examines the whole to check this one is in a sensible place)
A couple of hours later and said hole is no longer just a hole. It's a whole new loft hatch.
Hole and hatch courtesy of Husbands No:2 son (Christmas present). Delayed to fit in between all our house guests and travels!
Birthday presents will evolve over the next couple of days. Watch this blog for more info.....
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