Finally the day arrived. First job of the morning was to dig over the plot and dig in the compost. That done, and first tardis moved out of the way, meant getting on with demolishing the old fencing (which was rotten and useless);
Then, slabs lifted, the gound beneath needed a bit of a sort (old rats nest below slabs!) and then the slabs relaying.
This done, it was then time to move the contents of No:2 tardis into No:1, now positioned on the slabs. This then leaves us ready to slab the area below No:2 - when we have some more slabs.
Why is it never that easy? Underneath No:2, was the stump of a leylandii (which I had already forgotten about!). If slabs are to be laid there, then there was nothing else for it. A lot of digging and scraping hacking and lopping and Hey Presto......
Time for a hot bath now I think.
That's not a tree stump - it's a mere twig {{{grin}}}