Tuesday 24 May 2016

An Evening in the Foothills of High Pike!

We keep saying we should get and do some walks in the evening. The light is beautiful and the fells are quiet. Finally we decided to do it tonight and the ****** forecasters got it all wrong. We didn't get a clear enoguh evening to get the best of the light. But we went for a short walk anyway

Breeze couldn't care less what the light is like, she just wants to RUN

We had parked by The Splash on Carrock Beck and headed onto the slopes of High Pike. This is where Breeze did all her fell training and she seems happy enough to be back!

The sheep are all settling for the evening, Breeze is absolutely grand with sheep, but we kept her close around them so she didn't scatter them this late in the day

I know, I can't help myself, she's so photogenic!

Here I go again

Little Mell and the Ullswater Fells as we head back to the car.
We'd walked about 3.5 miles and not seen a soul. Not the light or weather we had expected, but a lovely way to spend an evening all the same


  1. Well done for getting out in the evening Rachel. Pity the weather forecast was wrong but as you say Breeze doesn't care.

    1. Thanks Maggie, hopefully this won't be our one and only evening walk this summer!


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