Our friend Joan has suggested a walk over at Loweswater followed by supper in the Kirkstile. She thought it would be a relaxing diversion for us!
This is old ground for us. We used to holiday in Joan's cottages twice a year. For Breeze it is a little less familiar though, she's probably only walked here a few times. We set off up through Kirkgate farm and up towards the firebreak |
That's Melbreak on the left ahead of us, but we're not going up there today. Wattie (Joan's dog) has got quite a few miles under his belt, and needs to take things a bit easier these days. Anyway, we are supposed to be having a relaxing afternoon, so a nice low level saunter is ideal for all of us. Wattie takes his time to get warmed up, there are lots of smells that need his attention at the start. |
Breeze needs no encouragement. We made our way up Mosedale, as wet as ever but that didn't slow her down. |
Buttermere comes into view as we head towards Scale Force, the turning point on our walk |
Scale Force from the bridge |
Wait for Me Wattie! |
Heading for Crummock Water. That's Grasmoor behind |
Locals |
As we reach Low Ling Crag, Breeze gives in to temptation and has a swim. Fleetwith Pike in the centre |
and again with Rannerdale Knotts behind her |
We stop for a drink and some of Joans lovely Fruit Scones. We can see her house from her! The white house below Low Fell. I |
One minute she's like this.......... |
The next minute she's like this! |
Heading for home. Wattie, Joan and Husband as we leave Low Ling Crag (the little bit that juts out behind them) |
She might have looked tired in that picture, but she still has plenty of beans |
Back at Joan's for a cuppa and a quick change before we head down to the Kirkstile for supper |
A really lovely afternoon and evening. We walked about 7 miles, had a really good catch up with Joan and super food at the Kirkstile. Just what the doctor ordered!