Saturday, 11 January 2014

Walking The Dog

A spur of the moment decision took us over t'other side of High Pike this morning for a make it up as we go along sort of walk. We set off up Fellside Brow and onto Birk Hill

Nice to see a bit of sun. Breeze proving that she has been trained!

Mr B decides which way to go across Birk Moss (Breeze behaving again!)

Behind me is Roughton Gill. Our aim for today. Time for a coffee stop

Looking back as we follow Dale Beck back to the car
We ended up doing about 5.5 miles and although we hadn't planned where we would walk, we also hadn't brought any lunch as we didn't intend being out that long. So as we were passing the door, we stopped off for a pint and a bowl of soup at Hesket Pub, the first community pub in the UK - and it's been that way for years now. What a great way to end a dog walk!

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