Sunday 5 June 2011

Wildlife Bonanzer

Still on a high from our recent squiggle visits, we have also had another infrequent visitor for the past couple of days. A Jay has swooped in and fairly swiftly swooped out again. Never when the camera has been handy so you'll have to take our word for it. Also off camera have been a couple of Dragonflies. One was probably a Common Darter, and the other was an 'Unidentified Red One'. Pond life continues to amaze me. Water Boatmen, lots of wiggly things some Protegee Great Diving Beetles (we think), lots of various water snails and a whole host of very small things.
In ever decreasing numbers, the tadpoles are growing up, many are committing suicide by climbing out and drying to death and I'm sure the early morning birds are making The Puddle their Breakfast Bar, judging by the stones that are strewn all over the place in the mornings.

1 comment:

  1. Lucky you having a visiting Jay, they are so beautiful. We had a pair at the last house and each year they would bring Junior to the bird table - they love peanuts.

    Pond envy continues {giggle}


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