Thursday, 7 October 2010

A Quick Bit of Planting

We have had a number of plants sitting in position on the new bed, waiting for two things.
A) Us to make our minds up on their correct place
B) A dry day or two to be able to get on the ground and plant them.

A pretty good day yesterday and a glorious day today, helped along by a bit of tilling to dry it out through today and voila............

A good number of the plants have come from a friend in the village, one or two are recycled from before, the rest are from local nurseries (yes Bilbo, I have to admit to buying a couple at Larch cottage!!)

Still a few gaps to fill, but with an imminent visit to a friends particularly good garden in Lincolnshire (Hi Sally!), followed by another visit to a superbly stocked one in Northamptonshire (Mum and Dad), and I'm sure we'll get that sorted!


  1. Looking great - impressed and a tad envious.

    Did you like Larch Cottage?

  2. Hello Bilbo. I do like Larch Cottage - it seems to have grown every time we visit. I don't like their prices though, and if I'm honest, the specimens are not as good quality as Leslies, but there is a huge choice.


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