Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Aira Force

After a couple of weeks of Indian Summer, the weather decided to take a turn for the worse, in time to coincide with a visit from Mum and Dad.

Left to amuse themselves while Husband and I visited Hawes annual sale, my parents were really impressed by a local garden centre we had recommended; Larch Cottage. The best they have ever been to apparently - praise indeed. Mum and dad are quite well qualified in this particular subject!

With the weather improving on Wednesday afternoon, we decided to do a short walk, and what more appropriate place to visit than one of the first walks they did when they started on their own Lake District adventures, about 50 years ago. Aira Force.

Far too many people around for our liking, but hardly surprising given the amount of rain that had fallen. The falls were certainly impressive to say the least.


  1. Agree with your M&D about Larch Cottage. Lovely place and one where I expect to spend an absolute ruddy fortune when I start replanting Bag End

  2. You'll need to save up Bilbo. It's horribly expensive. Good if you want unusual varieties (which M&D often do), but if you want more conventional stuff, I should go elsewhere. Leslies are really good value and very helpful.


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